Norm Geisler the Movie

Doug Geivett

“He’s able to combine the theoretical with the practical, so that you can see why these ideas make a difference in your life.”


Dr. Doug Geivett is an author, speaker, and Professor of Philosophy at the Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. He received his B.S. from Multnomah School of the Bible, M.A. from Gonzaga University, M.A. from Dallas Theological Seminary, and Ph.D. from University of Southern California.


Meeting Norm:

“I met Norm through his books.  When I was a college student, I stumbled into a Christian bookstore and found the theology section, and there on the shelf, believe it or not, was a book in the Philosophy of Religion by Norman Geisler.  Never heard of him before.  Didn’t know there were evangelicals who wrote in that area, that field. . . . I enrolled at Dallas Theological Seminary because that’s where he was at the time, and I think it was after my first course with him, I visited his office. . . . It was easy to talk to him, and it was very affirming, because he took seriously what I told him were my goals, and then he offered some advice. . . . I don’t think I’d be doing the work I’m doing if it hadn’t been for Norm.”