Norm Geisler the Movie

Elliott Johnson

“I see him as a voice that is true to the scripture. . . and as a result gave us a great example of what we should do.”


Dr. Elliott E Johnson is an author, international teacher, and the founder of the Asian Theological Seminary. He retired from his position of Senior Professor of Bible ­Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary in 2019. He obtained his B.S. from Northwestern University, Th.M. and Th.D from Dallas Theological Seminary.


Meeting Norm:

“Dr. Geisler came to Dallas. . . when I was just a young, relatively young pup on the faculty. . . . Dr. Geisler and I became good friends while we were at Dallas, and part of his impact that continues, of course, is the influence on my thinking. . .  We had some heated discussions during those days, and yet they were still discussions where we respected each other and appreciated what each other was saying, and that, I think, is something that we really don’t have today where we can disagree on questions and yet in the process of disagreeing, change and learn and develop, and so I would say that is certainly a way that he has impacted my life.”