Norm Geisler the Movie

Richard G Howe

“He did such a great service to the church by beginning to reintroduce a stream of thinking that you can trace all the way back to the church fathers.”


Richard G. Howe is a writer, speaker, debater, and the co-author with Norm Geisler of “The Religion of the Force”. He is Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary. Dr. Howe has a BA in Bible from Mississippi College, an MA in Philosophy from the University of Mississippi, and a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Arkansas.


Meeting Norm:

“I’ve considered him a mentor since I first met him as a Dallas Seminary student way back in the early 1980s. . . I began to flounder a little bit as a seminary student because my interests weren’t being addressed, and Norm Geisler gave me the best counsel I think I’ve ever had, the most life-changing counsel in terms of the direction of my ministry. . . I owe the very fact that I have the ministry that I do have to the counsel that he gave me.”