Norm Geisler the Movie

Ron Rhodes

“It wasn’t just a stale doctrine that he was talking about, but it was doctrine that was impactful to my life.”


Dr. Ron Rhodes is the president of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries and the author of 25 books. He served as an associate editor of the Christian Research Journal, as a regular on the Christian Research Institute’s national radio broadcast “Bible Answer Man”, and frequently teaches at Veritas Evangelical Seminary, Dallas Theological Seminary, Talbot Seminary, and Biola University. He holds a B.A. from Houston Baptist University, and both a Th.M. and a Th.D. in Systematic Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary.


Meeting Norm:

“When I started to write papers in college, and I had an emphasis in theology in college, I started to come across various books written by this guy by the name of Norman Geisler. . . Just a whole slew of different books, and so I would get those books and use them as resources for the papers that I would write during college years.  Now, I had no idea that one day I’d be going to seminary taking courses with this guy, but lo and behold. . . not only my first course but actual first class in my first year of seminary was Bibliology with Norman Geisler. . . that Bibliology course answered everything that I had been taught previously by these liberal ministers, and so I have built from that foundation in my own ministry ever since I took that first course.”