Norm Geisler the Movie

Shawn Hayes

“He ignited the flame that you see in so many people that you would never know.


Shawn Hayes is the cofounder of Stand for Truth Ministries and of the California Christian Apologetics Conference. He received a Diploma in Christian Ministry from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary, and is a graduate of Southern Evangelical Seminary. 


Meeting Norm:

I went down to Orange Country to Creation Research Institute where they had a number of books and a number of tapes, and just I went in there I just bought everything I could find on the shelf, you know, and one of the books I picked up was called, I believe it was The Battle for the Resurrection.  I picked up that book, and I was looking through it, and I said, “Oh, I like this!”  And then on the back it had a phone number, and I had a question.  So, I called the number, got an answering machine, and I was like, okay, well, you know, and then a few days later I get a call and it’s Dr. Geisler.  Now, I’m like, “Really?  Like this man just called me back.”  And that was like my first impression of him was that, was that I could have a question, and this man could find a time to actually call me.